Digital Media Video Content Services

Video News and Events Content in Watford. 4K Video and 45 MegaPixel Stock Photo Images.

Published in Press Newspapers

Wrushmedia photos published in the Main press newspapers

images of Insulate Britain (watfordmedia/alamy)

My Photos of Insulate Britain published in the news in 2023.

UNILAD | ChristianNews | TheConversation | LBC |

Armed Police search for McCann

the sun may 2019
2019 – Sun News x 4 photos published

2019 – Mirror News | 2019 – BBC NEWS London

Double Stabbing Forensics Police scene

death fight car crash watford
family murder teenager shahena uddin

I was the first to discover this and get it to the press – It made the National main news

Music Production Party Event Shooting

wo shooting

The story that took me from Blogger to having a proper website. I was first and only reporter at the scene at around midnight.

Petrol Strike Panic 2012

sa today petrol
Video footage was used in ‘Blackout‘ drama

Channel 4 made a feature-length ‘What-If’ drama exploring the effects of a devastating cyber-attack on Britain’s national electricity grid. it was broadcast on TV in September, 2013.

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